Poetry Profile
your poetry profile
Discover your poetic device strengths, career path and how to own it like a boss!
You have a unique poetry journey…
You’ve got a lifetime of experience that’s unique to you. A story that’s yours, and yours alone to tell.
You’ve got your own beautiful voice that comes through your writing, and your own way of changing the world through your work.
Because of that, your dreams and desires will look different when compared to another poet.
If you aren’t sure what makes you unique and what your strengths are…you can get caught up in other people’s dreams, play the comparison game and fall into the painful feelings of impostor syndrome.
“Each poet has their own unique voice + passions that build their personal road for success. ”
The Poetry Profile Assessment sets you up for your personal dream come true.
It’s a compass for making decisions on your poetic journey like publishing books, albums, community events, grants, and poetry career moves that are specific to your needs and joy.
You may be confused on whether or not to pursue slam poetry competitions, or maybe you’re halfway into your NACA career and miserable. How did this go from doing what you love for a living to something you dread doing?
Maybe you’re ideal poetry career isn’t on stage at all, but in a substance abuse counseling program in an intimate room leading others to get back on their feet and heal through the power of poetry. Or…maybe it is the stage for you, as a touring poet exploring the US and other countries.
There’s so many options for you to make a career doing what you love and your poetry profile assessment will open those options up for your to start, shift and grow.
“This isn’t a skim the surface assessment… It’s a deep dive into your work to uncover your unique voice and hidden themes within your words. ”
Hours will be spent into compiling your assessment so if you’re fed up with “brushed off the shoulder” insight into your work that feels surface level and shallow, you’ll be thrilled at this in-depth outline of your poetry skill and style.
Career paths that fit your ideal life
Revenue streams
Alignment of your poetry with your purpose
Lay out of attainable goals for your success
Your poetry personality assessment
Action steps to achieve goals
Assessment of your poetic strengths for leverage
The 6 Poetry Personality Types
The Poetry Profile Assessment includes your poetry personality archetype. There are 6 different personality types for poets and where you rank in each is key for your development.
“Each Poet has their own personality that offers insight into what career path is right for them. ”
Knowing your top 2 can align you with a life filled with joy, bigger opportunities and revenue to sustain your craft.
With a poetry profile, you’ll go deeper into the personality types and discover what makes your writing different + how to navigate your career path.
Getting started is easy.
All you have to do is contact me to get you started. I’ll respond with a series of simple questions and a request to send 3 poems for me to review. After you respond, you’ll receive your assessment in 2 days.
I respect your privacy, your poems will not be shared.
I printed my profile so I could stay focused on the right moves to make. I’m accomplishing way more with it and feel amazing about my positioning in poetry!”
- Gwen Harper
“Shane’s poetry profile assessment is like a mirror into your own work. Writing feels so insulated, like you’re staring at a screen and don’t know what it’s telling you. If you have a dream to use your writing, but don’t know what that even means or what the possibilities are for feeling most productive in that creation, this profile takes what you have and tells you how to vision your work from there. Working with Shane is like setting a compass for your next project... and it might just change your life. - Elaine Hill”
HI! I’m Shane,
A Poetry Mentor and Creative Coach who believes every poet deserves to be financially supported by work that fills them with joy and purpose.